Industrial Agroforestry
Introduction The intentional integration of trees or woody perennials with crops and/or livestock within a production system to produce commercially viable products is known as industrial agroforestry. Sustainable agroforestry practices…
Alder, Khejri, Large Cardamom, and Toko-based Agroforestry Practices: Aboriginals Agroforestry Systems Matters
Background During the pre-settlement period, the man was a hunter, collector of food, and experimenter with nature. Later, he learned to domesticate animals and plants and started settling permanently and…
Is Shifting Cultivation Sustainable? A Deep Dive into its Practices in India
Background During the pre-settlement period, the man was a hunter, collector of food, and experimenter with nature. Later, he learned to domesticate animals and plants and started settling permanently and…
“Why Parkia is the Perfect Addition to Your Agroforestry Model”
In the era of climate change and global warming, sustainable farming systems like Agroforestry, natural farming and organic farming are gaining importance. The agroforestry system is a sustainable land-use system,…
Millet-Based Agroforestry: A Nature-Positive Farming for Future
What are millets? Millets are small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the globe for their nutritional benefits since time immemorial. Millets can be classified as major, minor and pseudo cereals. Major…