Traditional Wooden Toys: Reviving Indigenous Knowledge with Focus on Key Tree Species 

India’s rich tradition of wooden toy-making reflects diverse cultural heritage and artisanal craftsmanship. These toys often depict the lives of people, animals, gods, goddesses, and mythological stories from epics like…

Alder,  Khejri, Large Cardamom, and Toko-based Agroforestry Practices: Aboriginals Agroforestry Systems Matters

Background During the pre-settlement period, the man was a hunter, collector of food, and experimenter with nature. Later, he learned to domesticate animals and plants and started settling permanently and…

Is Shifting Cultivation Sustainable? A Deep Dive into its Practices in India

Background During the pre-settlement period, the man was a hunter, collector of food, and experimenter with nature. Later, he learned to domesticate animals and plants and started settling permanently and…

Meghalaya’s Monsoon-Resilient Living Root Bridge

One fine Sunday, as usual, an evening telephonic conference with my BSc friends sparked the idea of planning a Meghalaya tour. True to their words, the plan finally became a…